Sunday, 20 May 2012

Lots of Lentils

Hello everybody

Sorry that we haven't written to you this week, we have had a busy time at school, including test weeks. Ethan has been doing his SATs and lots of other busy things too.  It isn't that we haven't been doing lots of exciting things, just haven't had time to write!

We have had time to make lunch today though, so we are back on track.

Lentils, yummier than you might think.

This is another easy peasy dinner that we can make all by ourselves (With mum in the background reminding us about hot pans etc)


Lentil dhal

Ingredients (What you need)

200g dried split red lentils
1 can chopped tomatoes
Water, (measured out in empty can, see method)
1 heaped teaspoon of turmeric powder
1 heaped teaspoon of cumin seeds
1 level teaspoon of mild chilli powder
25g or largish slice of butter (Or soya if dairy free/Vegan)
half teaspoon sugar
half teaspoon salt

You'll also need a couple of frying pans and a wooden spoon

(Mum's note - If you missed out the sugar and salt this meal would make a good weaning food)

Method (How to make it)

1  Weigh out your lentils

2  Pop them in a frying pan, add chopped tomatoes

3  Using the empty tomato can, fill twice with water and add that

4  Add turmeric, stir and simmer for abut 15-20 minutes, they will go from hard to crunchy

    To soft

5  Keep stirring, you may need to add a little more water, but not too much, mind that it doesn't stick to the bottom of the pan, or you'll be in trouble at washing up time!

Whilst it as cooking mum said that the tumeric smelled earthy, it sounded silly to me so I thought I'd check.... and I'm still not sure

6  In a second pan melt the butter, add the cumin seeds and cook for 1 minute, then add chilli powder, stir, and cook for another minute.

7  Pour the butter mixture into the lentil mixture. Stir.

8  Add sugar and salt if using. Stir.

9  That's it, done.  We had ours with rice and salad, but you can have it on its own, dip pitta bread in to it, have it with baked potato, have it cold for lunch with crackers to dip in to it... you get the idea.

Mum said to tell you that it is really good for you and very cheap to make, she said it has protein, fibre and lots of good for you things. She also said it makes for happy bottoms!!

Hope you are enjoying our recipes, my value animal from school is

Love Mattie

(Ethan, Reuben, Jacob and Joel bean too)

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